Mushrooms Bulgogi

The last time Maggie visited she had a taste for Korean food. I told her that if she could find me recipes I would give them a shot.

She found a few that looked good and everything came out great. I told a Korean friend that we’d gotten them from Maangchi’s Site and he said that her recipes were good. The next thing you know Maggie and I are watching her videos on YouTube and I’m ordering one of her cookbooks.

Anyway, in a recent episode she made an easy bulgogi beef recipe. I had some more of those blue oyster mushrooms around so I turned it into a mushroom recipe and it was fantastic. We had some lettuce leaves harvested from our own garden and I had some left-over orzo. The mushroom and orzo wrapped in the lettuce leaves topped with peppers was an amazing dinner.


Here’s my variation of her recipe (mostly her Easy Bulgogi recipe).



  1. Mix the marinade together.

  2. Slice the mushrooms thin and marinate for 30 minutes to the next day.

  3. Drain the marinade (you can probably cook it and strain it and use it again but I didn’t)

  4. Broil the mushrooms, grill them, or sautee them until they darken and get a nice meaty texture like grilled beef.

Enjoy as part of a multicourse meal over rice or just pick at it. It’s a great combination of sweet, salty, spicy and umami.